Q: Where are the Sawtooth Renaissance Players based?

A: In southwestern Idaho; namely, the treasure valley. (within 40 miles of Boise.) Meetings are usually held in Nampa or Meridian.

Q: Are there any fees for joining?

A: We have a small yearly fee for membership. $10 per individual, or $20 for a family. This goes to the group fund, and not to any of the players.

Q: When and how often are meetings?

A: That depends on the season! Times that are closer to events will naturally have more practices, usually one a week. Sub-committees and member groups might meet additionally for things like costume design, extra swordfighting practice, or character work (learning accents, etc.). During our “off season”, our meetings usually space out and there is only one a month.

Q: How old are the members? Are kids allowed?

A: All ages! Kids are allowed provided their parents are also members.  Currently in the group we have members aging from 13-60+. We aim to be family friendly. However, you have to be 16 or older to swordfight with the Royal Dragoons.

Q: Is it mostly men/boys/guys?

A: No! We have an almost equal distribution of gals and guys.

Q: Can we attend a meeting or practice before joining?

A: Yes. The Royal Dragoons meetings are particularly great to come to. You get to meet most of the players and see some of what we do firsthand.

If you have any unaddressed questions, please hop over to the Join Us! page and shoot us an email. We’ll get back to you.

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